- Mountain Home AFB, ID
366th Tactical Fighter Wing
F-111A/F era (1972 - 1991)
EF-111A era (1981 - 1991)

A former unit member wrote in about the 390th Electronic
Combat Squadron Operation Desert Storm scarf: "At Taif Saudi
Arabia we were based with the 5th Royal Saudi AF F-5E
squadron. We operated out of their ops building and I worked
pretty close with the squadron commander. I got the idea
while talking to him and got approval to have them made.
Arkie Huber at OAR Products was located outside the Nellis
Blvd gate to Nellis AFB back then. They had the scarves made
for us. If I remember correctly I had 200 made.
It was worn throughout Desert Shield/Storm by 390th and the
5th crews."
366th Wing / 366th Fighter Wing
KC-135R era (1991 - 2002)
B-52G era - GSU at Castle AFB
(1990 - 1994)
B-1B era (1996 -
EF-111A era (1991 - 1993)
F-16C/D era (1992 - 2007)
F-15C/D era
(1992 -
F-15E era (1992 - present)

The Super Wing (1991 - 2002)
Based on experience in the Desert Storm and concurrent with
the reorganization of Tactical Air Command and Strategic Air
Command into Air Combat Command, it was decided that the
366th Tactical Fighter Wing would become a composite wing
melding together fighter, bomber, electronic warfare, and
tanker assets. The 366th Wing was born in October 1991. The
units assigned in 1994 were:
* 22nd Air Refueling Squadron, KC-135R Stratotanker
* 34th Bomb Squadron, B-52G Stratofortress (stationed
at Castle AFB, CA)
* 389th Fighter Squadron, F-16C Fighting Falcon
* 390th Fighter Squadro, F-15C Eagle
* 391st Fighter Squadron. F-15E Strike Eagle
That year, the B-52G was retired, so the 34th Bomb Squadron
transitioned to the B-1B and the squadron was physically
moved at Mountain Home AFB. In 2001-2002, the wing's bomber
and tanker assets were reassigned and the 366th was
re-designated the 366th Fighter Wing. Subsequently, the
F-16C and F-15C aircraft assigned have been reallocated or
retired, so the wing has flown F-15E's exclusively since 2010.