Pilot & Crew Flight Suit Scarves

Scarf images are presented for educational purposes only and are not for sale or trade. All rights reserved.

- Nellis AFB, NV

4525th Fighter Weapons WIng
(1966 - 1969)
57th Fighter Weapons Wing / 57th Wing
(1969 - present)
474th Tactical Fighter Wing
F-111A era (1968 - 1977)
F-4D era (1977 - 1981)
F-16A/B era (1981 - 1989)
53rd Wing / 53rd Test and Evaluation Group / 53rd Test Management Group
98th Range Wing / Nevada Test and Training Range
(2001 - present)
99th Air Base Wing
(1995 - present)
Thunderbirds - USAF Air Demonstration Squadron
F-4E era (1969 - 1973)
T-38A era (1974 - 1982)
F-16A/B Block 15 era (1983 -1991)
F-16C/D Block 32 era (1992 - 2008)*
F-16C/D Block 52 era (2009 - present)*
Prior to 1983, there were two versions of Thunderbirds scarves. A former unit member explains:
"The scarves actually were called 'frams.' The pilots wore the one with the patch and the enlisted wore the one with the diamond through the end of the T-38 era. That changed when Jim Latham came back to lead the first F-16 team in 1982, after the 1982 T-38 diamond accident. The enlisted asked to wear the patched version as well and he gave the OK. So, the new 1983 enlisted team began wearing the patched version of the 'fram' as well."

Other Nellis AFB Units
Collector Notes
The yellow and black checker scarf is used by most units in the 57th Wing including aggressors, weapons school, and the Thunderbirds when training. It was also used by the 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron.
* From the 2007 season to present, the Thunderbirds have worn a white T-shirt with the USAF emblem in the neckline in lieu of a scarf.